In Memory of Our Friend T-Bone

In Memory of Our Friend T-Bone

We have lost an indispensable and beloved Artsplosure team member.

Henry “TBone” Jenness passed away at Hospice Home of Alamance/Caswell early in the morning on May 8. Beginning in the early 2000s, Tbone worked every Artsplosure festival as an essential member of the production staff.

He labored from early in the morning to late into the night for days in row, making sure that our audience’s high expectations were met and exceeded. He always went the extra mile for us, and he never let any physical ailment keep him from giving his all.

He loved working our festivals because he loved what we stand for -- bringing high quality arts and enrichment for all to enjoy -- and we loved him for his contributions and endearing personality. He so identified with our mission and presentations that Artsplosure tee-shirts were part and parcel of his daily wear. If strangers asked him what Artsplosure was, he would enthusiastically extol our virtues!

TBone was gracious, accommodating, genuine, good spirited, and a gentleman. He cannot be replaced.
